
I invite you to listens to these students and their inspirations at RICA:

Student 1

Student 1

“RICA has qualified instructors who emphasize academic excellent from all of its students. The level of professionalism shown by each instructor is second to none, hence, every child is expected to give nothing more than his/her best at all times.”
Student 2

Student 2

“The quality of education at RICA has changed my perception of education. Instead of focusing on conservative learning which has to do with abstract learning; where student cannot see and touch what is being taught. We are introduced to modern learning materials such as white board, computer, modern library and science hands-on practical are also carried out to enforce learning. We have a very conducive atmosphere for learning where students are comfortably seated and are always kept engaged.”
Student 3

Student 3

“One thing I have observed at the Riverview International Christian Academy is character is placed before excellence, that is, each day our teachers will advise us to be obedient and always remember that we have a family, a community and of course a nation’s image to protect. Our teachers are concerned most with our wellbeing both morally and physically.”